All students that live on campus are required to purchase a meal plan.  Meal plans will auto renew for students living on campus.  Unused meal plans will not roll over, however Flex $s will roll from fall to spring semesters, but not year to year.  You can change your meal plan, as long as the change is made during the first 2 weeks of classes. After that, no changes can be made.

For your protection, the only person authorized to use your ID card is you. However, you can always treat guests using your Flex $ as long as you are present when purchases are made with your card. You are the only person that can use your meals in the Dining Hall. Dining Hall meals are not transferable. Anyone using someone else's ID or allowing someone to unlawfully use their ID could face severe disciplinary actions. Meals reset weekly on Thursday breakfast and run through Wednesday dinner.

  • All Access + $400 Flex
  • All Access + $100 Flex
    • Unlimited
    • $100 Flex
  • 15 Meals Per Week + $300 Flex
    • 15 Meals Per Week
    • $300 Flex
  • $2005 Flex Plan

Need help with your meal plan?

Contact us and we’d be happy to assist you!